Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weekend Post #2 - The Reality Check-In

So, it's Sunday night and I am preparing to make my first sojourn to the unemployment office. I have already filed online for benefits, now I need to go n and claim them and see if I qualify. I plan to have my list of jobs applied for available, learn how to fill out the paperwork, have my networking cards handy...Networking cards you say? What are those?

Glad you asked...Basically they are a mini-resume in the size of a business card. now I chose to make mine out of table tents since they fold to the same size but give me twice the space for data. All I need to do is take a picture, and add it to the template, do a little cut and paste and I can start printing them out. For those who may be in the same boat, I recommend them...if for no other reason than to give yourself a little project that helps you move forward. The Avery 5302 cards are what I used and they provide a free MS Word template on their website. Very nice and should help get my info into more people's hands.

So, what does this mean, well hopefully it means that I have the ability to collect my first unemployment check and get some info on how to follow up with the government jobs. If all goes well, I may be able to pursue what I've already looked at a bit more this week. That would be nice. As much as I like the freedom, the financial security is nice too. will give the first impressions tomorrow.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Weekend post #1 - Passion at work

Weekend posts will probably be more philosophical I think regarding work in general...

I have been pondering the concept of work and why there is this concept that says that a job is just a job and you aren't supposed to enjoy it. Who made that rule? It would seem to me that loving your job might make you more productive and more involved in making it not just good work but great work. Many of my jobs over the last ten years have started as jobs I had passion for that turned into just jobs. Why does this happen? What kills passion?

The answer that I keep coming down to is base root of all companies is the need to make money and support the bottom line. No money = no company, right? Tough part is that no passion = poor quality = bad product/service = no I missing something in the equation here?

Passion involves different things for different people. Some people like to have accomplishments recognized, some like getting raises and promotions, some like solvnig problems, and some can get off the phone with a happy customer and glow for a week (These people scare me, BTW). But most companies fail to find more ways to get people that little bit of passion that spurs them, and in theory the company, to greater heights. This I think is the major failing of corporate America.

A good freind of mine works for a major software company and has made a solid name for himself there. He LOVES coding and managing despite the different challenges in both areas. He has his passion in his job so he thrives. Another of my friends holds a similar position and is miserable because he hates the management side...he wants to code. Why is there no way to reward this person in a way that doesn't hurt his effectiveness?

These are questions I don't have answers for...but ones that I am looking for as I go through this process. I do not want to have a "job" in the most basic sense of the word. I want to wake up happy to do the things on my plate and balance my life effectively. Here's hoping I find it.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 3 - Altogether different

So, today, Friday, is a day that normally has very little job hunting in it. This is for two very distinct reasons:
  1. People who make decisions about hiring generally aren't "in the office" on Fridays, and
  2. My 4-yr old son has no school, so he becomes my shadow.

We tend to make Fridays errand days...running around taking care of bills, shopping, and other assorted gobbeldy-gook. So, nothing new filed yet today though I have a couple of places to submit to later tonight. Suffice to say, it has become somewhat of a tradition.

Today was Bank, Post Office, a couple of stores looking for mineral supplements, Orthodontist's office, and food shopping along with one kid pick up and a stop at my local game store to see what was new. All in all a lot of hustle and bustle. Tomorrow is the dump, Costco, and maybe a couple of other things...we shall see.

Monday, I will be heading in to see about getting unemployment benefits...looks like ~$600/wk as long as I am being active in my quest for re-employment which I will be. will also make use of their center to get some new places to search and follow up (If I can find one for the USN...).
Really fun part of my day is coming up not that people are heading to bed, the cool air starts blowing in, and my creative juices start flowing. Hopefully I can get some more scriptig on my short story concept and some more fleshing out of adventure material. We shall see.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Days 1 & 2 - The Beginnings

So, this is what unemployment feels like...

I thought it was suppose to feel bad.

I do have some fear about supporting my family and moving forward with prepping for college for the kids, property taxes, and any number of other things. However, given that I have worked non-stop for almost 20 years, a break has been a good thing for my brain...almost like a system reboot. A lot of creativity has crept back into the mix and I am feeling more like a me of 15 years ago when I had a lot more adventure in me.

Days 1 & 2 of unemployment felt like all the days of the transition period...Job Hunting in the morning and then kids and errands in the afternoon. I currently have about a dozen apps out still active, most with the governmental bodies since that is where Obama is putting a lot of money these days. Since I live in a heavy governmental run area (USNavy is #1 employer in my county), I think it may have better traction that trying to find work in the private sector. The jobs here based in Corporate America are not high paying for my current skill set nor are those positions being hired for at this time.

With that in mind, I have also been working on adding to the skill set. Over the last couple of months, I have been working on getting certified in network security and learning basic HTML. As you can see, I have also started blogging a bit more regularly. So, the pattern I have established will be the norm until something changes...callbacks, interviews, etc. Gotta keep busy and look forward as there is light ahead (and no, it isn't the 5:32 running a bit behind either).

Joy of Unemploy

So, yesterday was my first day of being unemployed ever. I don't count the readjustment period when I came back from teaching overseas even though I was technically then too. This was a downsized moment.

Now, first off I want to say that this will not be a ranting against the establishment or venting spleen to anyone and everyone about how hard it is out there. I want this to be a look at what possibilities emerge when your world/life patterns are changed dramatically.

To that end, here's the opening situation: Company says your position is going away, gives you a bunch of resources to help you and a healthy severance (under non-disclosure on particulars so don't ask). This is my scenario and I am honestly very happy with what was offered...not just with the money, but with the opportunity to start fresh.

You might be saying to yourself, "Dude, the market/economy blows chow right now...How can you be happy without a job?" You might say that if you went to my alma mater in Santa Cruz, most likely your version would be a bit more articulate. But even though I have a family to feed and care for, the time that has been given to me as I transitioned out of work has been an eye opener for me. Let me explain...

I have been in the job market for 20 years, mostly in Service/Support and Sales roles. I have management experience, run teams both in front of me and remotely (yes, this is a shameless plug, so if you are interested in the specifics, contact me) across a fairly wide spectrum of business models. That said, I have come to realize that it has not been passionate work. I commit to my work, but haven't been passionate about it in a while. This has led to a number of problems for me personally including more illness, short bouts of depression, and anxiety to name a few. My goal now is to support my family doing something that excites me.

What I will attempt to do here, is chronicle the time that I have in between now and the next big thing. Thoughts, tips, and hopes for anyone interested enough to read them. Comments, civil and spamless ones anyway, will always be welcome. So, strap in and get ready for what promises to be an interesting ride.