Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 5 - Life gets in the way sometimes

So, today was a bust...
And I mean that in the most visceral sense of the word.
Life prevented me from hunting today (of course, I'm blogging now when I could be hunting, but that is NOT the point!).
Quick recap of last night to present:
Bed at 1:45
Family situations including a very awake 4 yr old monkey boy lasting until 4am
6:30 wakeup call to get teens to bus
9:00 little kids to bus
9:30-10:15 errands
10:15 Sit down to hunt (get major hunt spots rechecked and beginning new ones when...)
11:45 pick up boy from bus and begin kid care time...

You get the idea...

So, right now I have two choices...beat myself up for not getting things done today or look at it as a day that was re-planned from stage 1. I think the lesson for today was that when you try to force things to happen in a specific way, Life (with a capital "L") will conspire to mess you up. It honestly never fails. I am choosing the second as this is nobody's fault and will shift things over to tomorrow...no big deal.


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