Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 3 - Altogether different

So, today, Friday, is a day that normally has very little job hunting in it. This is for two very distinct reasons:
  1. People who make decisions about hiring generally aren't "in the office" on Fridays, and
  2. My 4-yr old son has no school, so he becomes my shadow.

We tend to make Fridays errand days...running around taking care of bills, shopping, and other assorted gobbeldy-gook. So, nothing new filed yet today though I have a couple of places to submit to later tonight. Suffice to say, it has become somewhat of a tradition.

Today was Bank, Post Office, a couple of stores looking for mineral supplements, Orthodontist's office, and food shopping along with one kid pick up and a stop at my local game store to see what was new. All in all a lot of hustle and bustle. Tomorrow is the dump, Costco, and maybe a couple of other things...we shall see.

Monday, I will be heading in to see about getting unemployment benefits...looks like ~$600/wk as long as I am being active in my quest for re-employment which I will be. will also make use of their center to get some new places to search and follow up (If I can find one for the USN...).
Really fun part of my day is coming up not that people are heading to bed, the cool air starts blowing in, and my creative juices start flowing. Hopefully I can get some more scriptig on my short story concept and some more fleshing out of adventure material. We shall see.

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