Saturday, May 30, 2009

Weekend post #1 - Passion at work

Weekend posts will probably be more philosophical I think regarding work in general...

I have been pondering the concept of work and why there is this concept that says that a job is just a job and you aren't supposed to enjoy it. Who made that rule? It would seem to me that loving your job might make you more productive and more involved in making it not just good work but great work. Many of my jobs over the last ten years have started as jobs I had passion for that turned into just jobs. Why does this happen? What kills passion?

The answer that I keep coming down to is base root of all companies is the need to make money and support the bottom line. No money = no company, right? Tough part is that no passion = poor quality = bad product/service = no I missing something in the equation here?

Passion involves different things for different people. Some people like to have accomplishments recognized, some like getting raises and promotions, some like solvnig problems, and some can get off the phone with a happy customer and glow for a week (These people scare me, BTW). But most companies fail to find more ways to get people that little bit of passion that spurs them, and in theory the company, to greater heights. This I think is the major failing of corporate America.

A good freind of mine works for a major software company and has made a solid name for himself there. He LOVES coding and managing despite the different challenges in both areas. He has his passion in his job so he thrives. Another of my friends holds a similar position and is miserable because he hates the management side...he wants to code. Why is there no way to reward this person in a way that doesn't hurt his effectiveness?

These are questions I don't have answers for...but ones that I am looking for as I go through this process. I do not want to have a "job" in the most basic sense of the word. I want to wake up happy to do the things on my plate and balance my life effectively. Here's hoping I find it.

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